说课稿 现在进行时说课稿

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说课稿 现在进行时的说课稿

Good morning, everyone, before we start our lesson, let us listen to a piece of music. Listen carefully ,and I will ask you some questions.

OK, let’s stop there. Can you tell me what you have got from this song. Any lyrics will be OK. I am sailing. I am flying I am dying.

Who can guess what these sentences mean. If they cannot answer, I can give them some clues. Today ,we will teach present continuous tense. According to the sentences in the blackboard, can you tell me how to use present continuous tense. For example, what am I doing, I’m . 所以我们应该使用be动词加动词ing形式表示这个动作正在进行. But if I say 我正在读书,我不是正在散步,how to translate? Ok, open turn….80. 下面的左右两个表格是总结的现在进行时的用法。

now, close you book, look at some pictures, and answer me some questions. What is he doing……Everyone does a good job, now look at the blackboard, are these sentences right? Can you find some mistake? Come to the front.大多数情况下动词后面都是直接加ing形式的,但有三种情况特殊,第一种是动词末尾的e不发音的时候,例如write,take, can you give me some other example s?

Make , invite, come, 第二种情况是动词用ie结尾的,后面的ie要变y加ing,例如die,lie, 第三种是以元音加辅音结尾的动词,及重读闭音节的时候,最后的辅音字母要双写加ing。例如,run, swim, and some other examples? put, get, stop ,chat, begin, sit

Now, let’s finish partA what are they doing? And work out the rule.

Ok, time’s up. Let’s check your answer.

Now, look at me, am I sitting on the chair? What am I doing? Are you sitting on the chair? What about her? Is she standing on the floor?

Ok, turn your page to 81, 在表达一般疑问句的时候,问句把be动词提前即可,i对应am….. 答句还原到原来的位置上,并且为了避免重复,则省略后面的现在分词。

Look at the tip on the left, at present means 目前…..

Now finish part b by yourself and I will check your answer after three minutes.

Ok, time is over, I choose this line to give me the answer.

I believe everyone has master the present continuous tense, now I will give eight minutes to finish partc and d

Ok, stop, I will check your answer.

Today we have learned present continuous tense, who can tell me the difference between simple present tense and present continuous tense. 一般现在时用于表示一般性,及目前存在的事实,习惯性,及经常做的事,真理性,及客观存在的事情。后面的动词除be动词外都是根据主语人称的来选择加不加s或者es,正在进行时则表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,用be动词加上动词的ing形式表示

Ok, let’s play a game. I need to divide the whole class into three groups, and then I will give all of you a piece of paper, 第一组写人物character,I you or sb’s name will be ok, 第二组写发生的事件,what has happened 第三组写地点in which place the thing has happened.

And then hand in your paper. I will ask two students to come to the front and put these words together by using…..,and make a dialogue.

I am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea. I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky. I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free. Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away? I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say?

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