
How much are these p ants?说课稿

Hello! My name is xxx, I ‘m from xxx Middle School. Today I ‘m very pl eased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teach ing ideas. The topic of this un it is How much are these pan ts?.The stude nts will lear n to ask about p rices, talk about cloth ing, and tha nk some one.

First I will talk about my un dersta nding of this un it. This unit is talk ing about shopping. Many stude nts are in terested in shopping, but they know little about sho pping. This less on is the first p eriod of Unit 7 and it s very imp orta nt.

Teach ing aims:

knowledge aim: the vocabularies of the clothes, describe clothes, using how much to ask and talk about the p rices of the clothes.

Ability aim: To train the ability of talking about the clothes and the p rices. To devel op stude nts' ability of com muni catio n with other people in En glish.

Emotional aim: To encourage students to be brave to speak English. Trai ning the comp etiti on and coop erati on. Build up the correct opinion.

Strategy aim: Pre-reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Culture aim: The differenee between dollars and RMB.

Teach ing imp orta nt points

Sentence p atter ns:

How much are these socks? They are two dollars.

How much is the blue T-shirt? It is ten dollars.

items of clothi ng, colors (black, white, gree n, red, blue), nu mber 10-31.

Secon d, I will talk about my teachi ng theories, methods and aids. While deali ng with this less on, I will do my best to carry out the followi ng opinion: Make Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as a director; Comb ine the Ian guage structures with the Ian guage fun cti ons; stude nts will receive some moral educatio n while they are lear ning the En glish Ian guage.

Teach ing method:

Task-based teachi ng app roach

Free discussi on method

P air work or in dividual work method

(Lear ning by use, lear ning for use)

Teach ing aids:

a projector

a computer

the blackboard

Third , I will talk about my teachi ng ste ps. Now let me in troduce my teachi ng p rocedure briefly. As we all know, Well beg un is half done” A good begi nning will not only warm the class up at on ce, but also give good preparation for presentation. As Ianguage is learned gradually but not immediately, we will do some revision to strengthen students ' memory. As memory activator, I 'lltry to find out the link between the old and the new. We can lead stude nts by things such as son gs, games, comp etiti ons, simple p ictures or other media. In this less on, 111 pro vide an En glish song.

Ste p 1 Warmi ng up

Liste n to an En glish song. Let the stude nts do the acti on while they are liste ning. (I’m sure childre n will love this song and get in terested in class.)

Ste p 2 P rese ntati on

After listening to the song, Show different colors and things. Let stude nts guess. Whafe this? It sa back pack. What color is it? It'sred. (After warmi ng, the stude nts are excited. At the same time, they have lear ned the names of fruits, and they also know colors, so we can show pictures, and stude nts can guess. Every one should be active.)

T: I like fruits and I like shopping, so I have many nice clothes. Using the CAI, teach T-shirt, sweater, skirt, bag, shorts, pants and so on. We can also teach small/ big, l ong/ short.

E.g This is a red T-shirt.

These are black pan ts. (And we use p ictures to teach T-shirt, sweater, hat and so on, we can also teach small/ big, l ong/ short)

Ste p 3 Memory games

With the help of CAI, stude nts will guess what'this? What color is it?” Revise the items of the clothes. (This step can train the ability of students memory)

Ste p 4 P rese ntati on

Show a new T-shirt, students see its label. Ask how much is the T-shirt?” 1 dollar = 6 yua n

Talk about students own prices of the clothes. (in this step, students may know the relatio n of the dollars and RMB)

Step 5 Guess ing game

Using the Ianguage structure, students will take an active part in the game, and master the imp orta nt senten ces

How much are these socks/ shorts/ pan ts/ shoes?

They 're ten dollars.

Step 6 Liste n to the conv ersati on, fill in the p rice tags.

This activity pro vides p ractice in liste ning for p rices.

Tell the stude nts that all the items in each group are the same p rice. They are going to liste n to the six conv ersati ons and write dow n the p rices on the p rice tags.

This ste p will train the ability of the stude nts'iste ning.

Step 7 Task Make a survey

We divide the class into many groups. Each group write dow n their frie nds' nformatio n. The n rep ort.

This activity can improve the ability of com muni catio n.





Ste p 8 Homework

In order to extend students' ability of using English, it' necessaryto give stude nts good and proper homework.

Copy new words.

Make a list for own clothes, then write down in your exercise book. In troduce your clothes.

Search information.

Give students some websites. Students will find some more in formatio n about clothes on the In ter net. The n talk about in p airs.

(Stude nts can choose the exercises as their homework accord ing to their ability, because the stude nts are differe nt.)

At last, let 'have a look at the blackboard desig n.

The follow ing is the board desig n of this less on, we 'have a look at it on the blackboard.

Unit 7

Topic senten ces:

How much is the red sweater?

It' eight dollars.

How much are these black pan ts?

They 're ten dollars.

it '=it is

they're二they are

In my opinion, the blackboard desig n can reflect the teachers ability of masteri ng the text and lead ing the stude nts to master the text easily. I write the top ic senten ces on the blackboard in order to tell the stude nts that this is of the importanee in this class. I want to make the design inductive, in structive and artistic.

So much for this, tha nk you!

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