



 雾都孤儿读后感( (共 共 9 9 篇) )




 here i am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what i have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already b een covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. it is truly what i felt after reading oliver twist, written by the prominent british author charles dickens.


 the resonance between me and the book makes me feel not onl y the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what i lack deep inside. these supreme resources i ’ m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. they y ’ re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another ——

 love and care.


 those charitable figures whom dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. they showed

 love and care

 to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.

 ? 高中生读后感作文:读雾都孤儿有感 0 700 字雾都孤儿读后感


 这部小说主要情节是,一个不知来历的年轻孕妇昏倒在街上,人们把她送进了贫民收容院。第二天,她生下一个男孩子后死去,这个孤儿被取名为奥利弗·退斯特。奥利弗在孤儿院里挣扎了 9 9 年后,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱 ,迫使奥利弗逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他曾被富有的布朗罗先生收留,不幸让小扒手发现又被带回贼窝。善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利弗,不顾贼头的监视和威胁,向布朗罗报信,说奥利弗就是他找寻以久的外孙。后来,南希被贼窝头目杀害,警察随即围剿了贼窝。奥利佛终于得以与亲人团聚。


 这本书中最让我敬佩的是奥利弗他并未向侮辱屈服,折磨也未能改变他善良的本性,在重重艰难之后他获得了幸福,奥利弗十分坚强和勇敢,而那些撒谎、欺诈、偷盗的人,真的很可恶。我记得古代有句话:人之初,性本善。我想,犯罪的人本性是好的,他的罪恶不 是天生的,是因外界的不良影响而造成的,如果在现代社会中,人人学习奥利弗他那不弯腰,不低头,坚持不懈的精神,那么善良的本性不会消





 总而言之,整本小说曲折惊险,让人为奥利弗的身世叹息,为卑鄙小人愤怒,为善良的布朗罗感动,为奥利弗得到新生而高兴。《雾都孤儿》问世一百多年来,早已成为各国读者喜爱的经典作品,我也不例外。就因为这部小说,我也开始认识了狄更 斯,他的这部小说主要反映刚刚通过了济贫法的英国社会的最底层生活,使我见长不少。



 ? 雾都孤儿读后感 0 800 字


 这几天,我花了 n n 长( ( 很长) ) 的时间才把《雾都孤儿》这本长达 4 444 页的小说书看完了。每当我回忆起小说中那一个个片段,不禁掉下了同情的眼泪。我为奥利弗的悲惨命运所难过,同时更被奥利弗那顽强的毅力所打动。


 小说的主角是一个生活在充满贫困与犯罪世界中的孤儿――奥利弗·退斯特。他从来都不曾得到过爱。然而,他却靠着自己的毅力在这 种社会中生存了下来。用自己的善良战胜了邪恶。再这期间,他受到了别人从未想到过的痛苦和折磨。但最后他化险为夷,和雾都伦敦的亲人团圆。


 这本小说更值得一提的作者是查尔斯? ? 狄更斯。他是十九世纪英国最伟大的小说家之一。他通过对奥立弗命运的描写,揭露了社会的黑暗与不人道,但这些现象在少数地方仍有存在。


 我读着读着,不禁想到了自己。我一直生活在一个充满爱的世界中,生活情况不正和奥利弗恰恰相反吗? ? 然而,我却不如他,我没有他那种顽强的毅力,我无法在那种社会中生存,我无法用自己善良的内心和顽强的毅力去打败邪恶…… 我有太多太多的不如他,所以,我一定要多向他学习,多学习点他的勇敢和美丽而又渴望自由的内心……



 ? 雾都孤儿读后感 0 800 字雾都孤儿读后感


 在 雾都孤儿这本世界名著讲述的是发生在 9 19 世纪的一个动人故事。书中的主人翁是一位孤儿,他的名字是奥利弗·特威斯特。他出生于一个济贫院,出生不久妈妈就死了。他被当作一件物品送来送去,受尽折磨。他最后遇到了一位善良的老先生:布朗洛老先生,这位老先生好心收留了他,他从此过上了




 在饥饿、寒冷、孤独、悲伤、痛苦下顽强的斗争,向美好的生活前进! !




 杰克把奥利弗带到了贼窝,小偷们想把奥利弗也训练成一位小偷。但奥利弗不愿意做小偷,逃了出来。读完这章,一种油然而生的敬佩之情环绕着我的心扉。奥利弗是一位多么坚强, 多么正义的孩子啊! ! 他宁愿逃出贼窝,继续流浪,也不愿做一位小偷。面对生死的关头,面对是死在街头或做有 一位小偷,他坚定的选择了正义。虽然他只有 0 10 岁,和我们一样大,但他的坚强,他的正义,他的勇敢,是谁也比不上的! ! 奥利弗承受着巨大的痛苦,但他对美好生活的向往,对生命的向往,是支持他前进的力量! !


 我们生活在蜜罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。但我们可曾想过,在世界上,还有许多孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦; ; 正和饥饿、寒冷、疾病作战; ; 正面对着失去亲人,飘泊流浪的生活。他们充满着对生命的渴望,对生活的热爱,可是苦难和 他们作对。作为和他们一样活生生的生命,我们难道能视而不见吗? ? 不,我们不能! ! 让我们用双手和大脑,来帮助他们,来满足他们对生命的渴望! !

 ? 初一精选暑假读后感范文:读《雾都孤儿》有感雾都孤儿







 在 雾都孤儿这本世界名著讲述的是发生在 9 19 世纪的一个动人故事。


 书中的主人翁是一位孤儿,他的名字是奥利弗·特威斯特。他出生于一个济贫院,出生不久妈妈就 死了。他被当作一件物品送来送去,受尽折磨。他最后遇到了一位善良的老先生:布朗洛老先生,这位老先生好心收留了他,他从此过上了好生活。读完这本书,我心中久久不能平息。


 可怜的奥利弗,在已经失去家人的痛苦下,还受到了这么多折磨。真不知道在他瘦弱的躯体下,有着怎样的意志,能使他坚持不懈,使他在饥饿、寒冷、孤独、悲伤、痛苦下顽强的斗争,向美好的生活前进! ! 最令我感动的是奥利弗遇到强盗集团的那章。奥利弗在路上走了七天七夜,饥饿和疲倦威胁着他。他遇到了杰克·道金斯:一位小偷。杰克把奥利弗带到了贼窝,小偷们想把奥利弗也 训练成一位小偷。


 但奥利弗不愿意做小偷,逃了出来。读完这章,一种油然而生的敬佩之情环绕着我的心扉。奥利弗是一位多么坚强,多么正义的孩子啊! ! 他宁愿逃出贼窝,继续流浪,也不



 有 虽然他只有 0 10 岁,和我们一样大,但他的坚强,他的正义,他的勇敢,是谁也比不上的! ! 奥利弗承受着巨大的痛苦,但他对美好生活的向往,对生命的向往,是支持他前进的力量! ! 我们生活在蜜罐里,福窝里,却总是抱怨,总是不满足。


 但我们可曾想过,在世界上,还有许多 孩子,正承受着巨大的痛苦; ; 正和饥饿、寒冷、疾病作战; ; 正面对着失去亲人,飘泊流浪的生活。他们充满着对生命的渴望,对生活的热爱,可是苦难和他们作对。


 作为和他们一样活生生的生命,我们难道能视而不见吗? ?不,我们不能! ! 让我们用双手和大脑,来帮助他们,来满足他们对生命的渴望! !


 初一精选暑假读后感范文就到这里了,是不是对同学们有所帮助呢? ? 希望同学们认真阅读,祝大家学业有成。

 ? 雾都孤儿英文读后感雾都孤儿读后感


 here i am sitting on a couch alone, thinking a bout what i have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the

 secular world for a long time. it

 is truly what i felt after reading oliver twist, written by the prominent british author charles dickens.


 the resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this alo of society lacks, and what i lack deep inside. these supreme resources i ’ m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. they ’ re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us des ire anxiously from one another ——

 love and care.


 those charitable figures whom dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. they showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.


 mr. brownlow is one such person.


 the other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, artful dodger and charley bates, and thought naturally it was oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live

 with a gang of

 thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. being wrathful, he caught oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill- - tempered, unfair magistrates worked. fortunately for him, oliv er was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. with sympathy, mr. brownlow took the injured, poor oliver to his own home. there oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were mr. brownlow ’ s own son. one day, however, mr. brownlow asked

 oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. the thief oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. after that he disappeared in mr. brownlow ’ s life. searching for a while, mr. brownlow ha d to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. but dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. without hesitation, mr. brownlow took oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.


 perhaps mos t of us would feel confused about mr. w brownlow ’ ’ s reaction. but as a matter of fact,

  this is just the lesson we should learn from him. jesus

 said in the bible. “ forgive not seven times, but seventy- - times seven.” ”

 why is that? because forgiveness is o ur ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. we cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. stop put mr. brownlow into the list of your models. always give pe ople a second chance no matter what they might have done. that ’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.


 then there are mrs. maylie and rose, oliver’ ’ s other benefactors. maybe the reason they loved and cared oliver was not because of forgiv eness. in my point of view, it was trust. they had faith in oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of maylie ’ s at midnight. but this wasn ’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing. they denied oliver ’ s crime

 immediately and listened attentively to oliv...

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