
Environment protection & Economic development

The positive side:E nvir onment protectio n is more importa nt The n egative side:Ec ono mic developme nt is more importa nt 过程概述:


H:Today ' s debate is focus on whether en vir onment protect ion or econo mic development is more important.P1 and P2 support that environment protection is more important ,which is on the positive side while 01 and 02 argue that economic development is more import,which is on the negative side.


H:To begin with,l ' d like the positive side to state your point of view ,please.


H: Next, I ' d like the negative side to present your opinion ,please.

具体观点(P1) 反方一辩及其观点陈述:



H:Both sides have made their stateme nts,so now we en ter into the free debate. H:Firstly,l 'd like the negative side to raise questions.


Q1:优先发展经济不是普遍愿望吗? O2 TO P2

Q2我们应当回归人类祖先的原始生话吗? O2 TO P2

A1:经济发展是人类发展的原动力 O1

A2:环境是经济发展的基础 P1

H:Next,l 'd like to change exchange the roles and the positive side raises questi ons.



P2 TO O2


P1 TO O1


P1 TO O1

Q4环境承载力作为标准,保护环境不应在当下? P2 TO O2


H:Now both sides please make a summary of your views.The positive side goes

first,and then the negative side.

正方总结:(P2) 反方总结:(O2) 注: Q refers to question, 问题; A refers to argument, 争论

H refers to 主持人

P1 refers to Propositi on 1 正方一辩;O1 refers to Oppositi on 1 反方一辩

P2 refers to Propositi on 2 正方二辩;O2 refers to Oppositi on 2 反方二辩


H : Sorry to interrupt,time is limited and now both sides please make a summary of your views. The positive side goes first,and then the negative side.

具体过程: 开场:

H:Today ' s debate is focus on whether en vir onment protect ion or econo mic development is more important.P1 and P2 support that environment protection is more important while 01 and 02 argue that economic development is more import. 观点陈述:

H: To begin with,l ' d like the positive side to state your point of

view ,please.


为了给我们的观点设定框架,我们觉得有必要声明,一切的经济发展都是建立于环境 之上,没有环境,何来经济的发展。如若环境遭受严重破坏,那么它的回复时间与代价都 远非金融危机等问题可相比拟。如今已有许多关于人们不注重于保护环境而引发恶果的事 件,例如雾霾,土地荒漠化,水环境污染等。环境是一切自然生命之本,而人类必然是自 然环境的一部分,所以我们应尽量去把握人与自然的平衡。环境保护并不是一定需要经济 的支持,它可以是一种环保的意识,在某些方面,保护环境反而会推动经济的发展。环境 与经济并非不可共存,只是只有在保障着环境的基础之上去发展经济,才是最为理想与科 学的社会发展方式。因此,我坚信环境保护更为重要。

To set the framework for our opinion,we believe it is necessary to state that, all econo mic developme nt is built on the en vir onment, which could be exte nded to say that no environment, no economic development. If the environment is seriously damaged, its recovery takes much more time and cost tha n what we expect in the financial crisis. Nowadays, there are many terrible incidents which caused by ignorance about en vir onment protect ion of people,such as fog and haze, land desertification, water pollution and so on.ln addition, environment is the basis of all natural life and human beings are definitely part of natural environment so that We should try to grasp the bala nee betwee n huma n and nature.Furthermore,environment protection does not necessarily need economic support .In some ways,it can be a sense of e nvir onment protectio n which will promote the development of the economy. In fact, both environment and economycould coexist only by develop ing the economy on the basis of en vir onment protect ion ,which is the most ideal and scie ntific way of social developme nt. Therefore, I m convin ced

that en vir onmen tal protecti on is more importa nt.

H:Next, I ' d like the negative side to present your opinion ,please.


首先,我们想要澄清的是,从过去世界上各个国家的发展历史经验以及一般发展规 律来看,经济发展历来被放在首要地位。无论处理什么问题,我们发现,只要优先发展经 济,我们就能够有足够时间和空间来解决。优先发展经济,不代表我们要走先污染后治理 的老路。要彻底解决环境的问题,我们需要为当前的环境问题提供技术、资金等支持。同 时,我们需要从根本上优化经济结构以便从源头上堵住环境问题的源头。总的来说,我深 信,只有当经济发展走在前面才能为人类生存和发展提供环境保障。

In the first place we would like to make clear that ,from historical experiences and general development laws of various countries in the past,economic development has always been placed first. Secondly,No matter what problems we deal with, we find that if we give priority to econo mic developme nt, we will have eno ugh

time and space to solve them.ln addition,Giving priority to economic development does not mean that we should take the old road of "ma nageme nt after polluti on". To solve the problem of the environment thoroughly, we n eed to provide support for the curre nt en vir onmen tal problems, such as tech no logy, fun ds.Mea nwhile,we also n eed to optimize the econo mic structure fun dame ntally in order to block the source of the environmental problems. Above all, I strongly believe that,only when

econo mic developme nt go ahead can en vir onment protecti on be provided for huma n survival and developme nt.


H:Both sides have made their stateme nts,so now we en ter into the free debate. H:Firstly,l ' like the n egative side to raise questio ns.



众所周知,经济发展是让人们享受到丰富的生活内容,包括衣食 ?住行娱乐,这难道不是


As we all kno w,the resp on sibility of econo mic developme nt is to let people enjoy a life of rich conten t, in clud ing the basic n ecessities and en terta inment, isn 'it the universal desire of people in the society now?


人们喜欢的期望的不一定都是好的。我相信,人们更倾向于在一个既能享受到生活乐 趣,同时又是一个健康和谐自然的环境中生存。

What people like to expect is not necessarily good. I believe that people tend to live in a life of happ in ess, and at the same time ,survive in a healthy and harm onious n atural en vir onment.


请问对方辩友,?原始社会的人类祖先们环境保护工作做得可谓好了吧, ?而他们?经

济发展很落后,所以他们才一直过着钻木取火、茹毛饮血的生活,按你们的 ?意思我们应


Excuse?me,?my?fellow?frie nds.in primitive society,Huma n an cestors did well

in environmental protection. However,the their economic development is very

backward, so they had been living a life of making fire by?friction and drinking

blood. Should we return to this kind of life according to your meaning?


人类祖先确实要发展经济,但是如果在这个过程中砍光了森林,污染河流,衣食得不 到保障,在这种情况下那么他们也无法发展下去。

The huma n an cestors did have to develop the economy, but if they cut out the frosts and pollute the rivers, the food and clothi ng would not be guara nteed, in which case they could not con ti nue to develop.


我不同意你的观点。从人类与自然的关系上看,这个地球上如果没有人类,环境保护就 会变得毫无意义,而经济发展作为人类发展的原动力,使我们摆脱了最早一批人们的生活, 使我们人与自然的关系更为和谐,更为紧密。因此,人类逐步意识到了环境保护的重要性 ,


I disagree with you. From the relati on ship betwee n huma n and n ature, the en vir onmen tal protecti on will become mea nin gless without huma n beings on this earth. However, the economic development, as the motive force of humandevelopment, has made us get rid of the life of the earliest people, which also makes our relati on ship with n ature more harm onious and closer.Therefore,huma n beings are gradually aware of the importa nee of en vir onment protectio n and have formulated a series of measures and legal systems for en vir onment protecti on.


我承认经济发展确实是原动力。但人类发展到今天,环境问题越来越突出。没有扎实 的环境基础,想要生活得更好这种想法恐怕只能是一种笑话。保护环境并不是会拖慢甚至 停止经济的发展,它反而对促进经济有着积极的影响;有了更好的环境,经济的发展的质 量才会有质的提升。

I admit that economic development is really the driving force. But with the development of mankind, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious. The idea of wanting to live better without a solid foundation of environment is probably a joke. The environment protection does not slow down or stop the economic development.On the contrary, it has a positive effect on promoting economic development; with a better environment, the quality of economic development will be improved.

H:Next,l ' like to change exchange the roles and the positive side raises questions. 正方提问,反方回答 正方二辩:

现在,对方辩友,请允许我提问。你之前提到,优先发展经济使得我们能够有足够的 时间和空间来解决问题。然而,过去的发展道路走的就是先污染后治理的模式,结果呢, 环境问题日益突出,局部地区已经到了威胁生存的程度 ?。我们现在需要花更多的空间和


Now my?fellow?debaters?,please?allow?me?to?ask.?As you mentioned before, giving priority to the econo mic developme nt en ables us to solve problems with eno ugh time and space. However, the developme nt path of the past follows the pattern of "ma nageme nt after polluti on ".As a result,e nvir onment problems become

in creas in gly urge nt and some areas have reached the degree of threat to survival.

We n eed to spe nd more space and time to deal with en vir onmen tal problems,Does n '

the lose outweigh the gain?


我注意到对方辩友提到关于过去的发展道路。的确,当时那样的发展模式确实带来一 些环境问题,但是它同时带来国家经济的蓬勃增长。尤其是改革开放 40年来,中国国内

生产总值年均增长约9.5%。在过去,我们很难想像在优先发展经济的方针能够给环境保护 提供高效实用的新技术,以及大量可用的资本。优先发展经济,我们不仅获得强劲的经济 增长,还能获得更多的支持以便开展环境保护,使得我们能够高效率解决环境问题,何来 得不偿失这种说法?

I no ticed that you men ti oned the developme nt path of the past. In deed, the development pattern at that time did bring some environmental problems, but it also brought about the vigorous growth of the national economy. Especially in the past 40 years of reform and ope ning up, Chin ese GDP has in creased by an average of 9.5% annu ally .In the past, it is hard to imagi ne that the prin ciple of giving priority to economic development can provide efficient and practical new tech no logies for en vir onmen tal protect ion and a large amount of capital

available.Giving priority to economic development, wenot only get strong economic

growth, but also get more support to carry out en vir onmen tal protecti on so that we can solve en vir onmen tal problems efficie ntly. How comes the say ing that the lose outweighs the gain?




Accord ingto your say in g,if we give priority to the developme nt of the economy, it is likely to cause en vir onmen tal costs to exceed econo mic ben efits. Is this economy develop ing or retreati ng?

Accord ing



我们不能以偏概全。即便这种情况下经济效益是负的,那我们改行环境保护优先,就能转 亏为盈?我不这么觉得。在我看来,强有力的资金和技术支持才是扭亏为盈的关键。

This situation does exist, but it does not exist all the time. The situation in each in dustry is differe nt and we can't hold a part as the whole. , Eve n if econo mic ben efits are n egative in this case, can we turn loss into profit by giving

priority to en vir onment protecti on ?l don't th ink so. In my view, stro ng finan cial and tech no logical support is the key to turning loss into profit.


科技发展无止尽,经济发展也没尽头,什么时候算得上是有“强有力”的资金、技术 呢?但是环境保护是迫在眉睫,耽误不起啊。

scie nee and tech no logy develop en dlessly, so does the econo mic developme nt. When will it be "str ong" capital and tech no logy? But en vir onmen tal protecti on is imminen t ,which can not afford to delay.


我不同意(你的观点)。在如今的 21世纪,我们通过资金和技术的累积已经形成了

比较完善的环境治理体系,能够解决大部分环境问题。政府也同时下调了经济增长的预期, 为解决雾霾,水土流失等问题提供更多的支持。并不是说经济优先就不搞环保了,只是环 保处于较次的位置。

disagree .In today's twen ty-first Cen tury, through the accumulati on of

capital and tech no logy, we have formed a relatively perfect en vir onmen tal

governance system, which can solve most of the environmental problems. The

gover nment also lowered its econo mic growth expectatio ns, providi ng more support to solve problems such as fog and haze , soil erosi on and so on.We are not say ing that giving priority to econo mic developme nt means no en vir onmen tal protecti on, but say ing that en vir onmen tal protect ion is in a sec on dary positi on.


您说的优先解决经济问题,再解决环境问题,应该有个标准吧,而这个标准不是你我 能定的,是环境承载力定的,现在的环境问题刻不容缓,保护环境的时间难道不是当下吗?

You said that give priority to sol ving econo mic problems, and the n solve en vir onmen tal problems.But should n ' we have a sta ndard?A nd n either you or I can

set the sta ndard ,but it is up to the en vir onmen tal beari ng capacity.Now the en vir onmen tal problems become in creas in gly urge nt, is n ' it the right mome nt to

protect the en vir onment now ?


我承认环境承载力这个标准虽然合乎逻辑,但是我不认为现在大多环境问题已经到了 刻不容缓的地步。前面我已经提到,良好的环境治理体系和来自政府的支持使得环境问题 已经得到重视并且环境保护在许多方面取得了成效。显然,这有效地减轻了环境的压力。


I admit that the sta ndard of en vir onmen tai beari ng capacity is of logic, but I disagree that most of the en vir onmen tal problems are now in urge nt situatio n. As I men tio ned before, the good en vir onmen tal gover nance system and the support from the gover nment have attach importa nee to en vir onmen tal problems and many achieveme nts have bee n made in en vir onmen tal protecti on. Obviously, this could effectively lighten the pressure of the environment. All this is due to giving priority to economic development, which enables us to have the ability and con fide nee to solve all en vir onmen tal problems.


H:Now both sides please make a summary of your views.The positive side goes

first,and then the negative side.


过去的发展道路走的就是先污染后治理的模式,结果呢,环境问题突出,局部地区已 经到了威胁生存的程度:再者,先污染后治理的模式不但成本高, 而且治理效果也不理想,

处于一种被动的境地。因此,必须从源头开始防止污染,也就是发展过程首先考虑对环境 可能的影响,只有这样,才能有望在将来解决环境问题。

As far as I am concern ed,the developme nt path of the past follows the pattern of

“ management after pollution '.As a result, the environment problems become

in creas in gly urge nt and some areas have reached the degree of threat to survival .Furthermore,ma nageme nt-after-polluti on pattern not only have higher costs, but also is inefficient, which is in a passive position. Therefore, we must start to prevent polluti on from the source, that is to con sider the possible in flue nee on the en vir onment firstly during the development process. Only in this way, can we except to solve en vir onment problems in the future.


首先,我是一个支持环保的人,拥有一个健康的生态环境是可持续发 展得以进行的前提。但是,如果一味的保护环境,而忽视经济发展,那么对于经济的发展 不利,对于人们生活水平的提高也同样不利。同时,我也必须强调,经济发展绝对不是破 坏环境,那样的发展,也是违背自然规律的。在发展经济的同时,我们要兼顾治理环境, 才是当今可持续发展经济的理念。

First of all, I am a supporter of environment protecti on and hav ing a healthy ecological en vir onment is the premise of susta in able developme nt. However, if we blindly protect the environment, and neglect the economic development, then it will have negative effect on both the national economyand improvement to the living sta ndard of people . At the same time, I must stress that econo mic developme nt doesn' necessarily destroy the environment and such development also violates the natural law. While giving priority to economic development, we should also pay attention to the environmental protection, and this is also the concept of

susta in able econo mic developme nt.

推荐访问:经济发展制度 英文 环境保护 辩论